Artful Secrets Game

Artful SecretsArtful Secrets Game: Artists may not be known as the richest people in the world. But the wealth they have, consisting of their artwork, is priceless. Ashley’s grandfather is a very famous artist, but currently, he is sick and in the hospital. When it comes to great artists, some people know how to profit from their possessions. The objects they own for everyday life. Or the objects they use to make their works of art. Ashley’s grandfather chose to spend his life in the countryside. And now when he is not there, there is a danger of possible intruders who could come and want to rob the great artist’s house.

In Artful Secrets Game: Ashley wants you to protect his belongings. So she comes to the village, along with her friends Kimberly and Stephen, whom she asks to help her with the whole thing. Let’s see what it’s all about and help the three friends protect the personal belongings of the great artist, Ashley’s grandfather. They arrive at the village where the grandfather’s house is located. They are ready to take matters into their own hands and protect the house. You can play Artful Secrets game on all devices. So enjoy and have fun.

Play Artful Secrets Game