The Royal Rings Game

The Royal RingsThe Royal Rings Game: When a wedding happens in some royal family, then everyone is excited. From the lowest instance to her Highness, everyone included to create the magic of that perfect day. The world is ready to see it all, to enjoy their party. And if you want everything to be simply perfect, each detail should be thought off. That perfection we are admiring on the TV’s doesn’t come from one day organization and planing. Actually, it is great team work of hundreds of people.

Dorothy is the main assistant of the Queen. In exactly one week a big wedding is being planned in the royal prince Andrew. He is going to marry the princess Carol. The Queen wants to give her one of her rings of the future princess, but her rings are in the queen’s castle. It is Dorothy’s task now to find all the six rings of the queen. Now, Dorothy has a big task, a great mission to fulfill. If she makes the Queen the happiest person ever, than the mission will be complete. Now, good luck and go for it, it is the helping time. So enjoy and have fun in playing The Royal Rings Game.

Play The Royal Rings Game